New Balance A/C

Duct Replacement

Dirty Air Ducts

Dirty Air Duct - Duct Replacement - New Balance A/C

Clean Air Ducts

Clean Air Ducts - Duct Replacement - New Balance A/C

Zoned Dampers

The Zone Dampers are air valves placed in the forced air duct work for each zone. They are controlled by the System Controller. While the air conditioning system is running, the zone dampers for any zone thermostat not calling will close and zone dampers for the zones calling will remain open. Conditioned air is only directed to the zones needing it. All dampers remain open in ventilation mode. Multiple dampers may be connected (slaved) to one thermostat.

Key Benefits

Are you experiencing any of these problems?

These are common complaints that are usually traced back to the HVAC system. New Balance A/C, Inc. can help you minimize and control the Indoor Air Quality problem.

How to Prevent Duct Contamination

Whether or not you decide to have the air ducts in your home replaced, committing to a good preventive maintenance program is essential to minimize duct contamination. To prevent dirt from entering the system.